Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010 Goal

Hey guys! Here is what this blog is all about:
I am using it to keep track of my progress but you can also follow my simple journey of losing weight in 2010.
Last summer, I also attempted this but I realize that yeah, it will take more then three months to complete this. So, I am starting today(February 20, 2010) to calculate my progress. I will post once a month or more on how I am doing with this and my weekly schedule. Since I am at school 5/7 days a week, and I want to keep this on the DL from family and friends so that it will be a huge difference over summer vacation when I go back to school, I will excercise at night. Here is my weekly schedule(with help of magazines and sites):
Saturday: 10 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 Choice excercise
Sunday: Rest
Monday: 10 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 choice excercise
Tuesday: 10 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 choice excercise
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday:10 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 choice excercise
Friday:10 crunches, 10 pushups, 10 choice excercise
Each week is will double. Might add in some running, biking, etc...
I REALLY want to be comfortable in my swimsuit this summer!